We are pleased to see the growth in the Wake up Dublin Sangha. After a break due to Covid, the Sangha has been working to revive the energy of mindfulness for young adults (18-35). Since September, 2022, the Sangha began a return to practicing, initially every 2 weeks. The Sangha has steadily nurtured this seed which is slowly growing, and has grown to weekly practice since February.

The Sangha organisers, Alexandra, Aishling and Rory are planning to continue to nurture the Sangha with plans to develop social events and connections in addition to the regular Sangha activity. The Wake-Up Dublin Sangha practice in Oslcailt in Dublin 4 (full details here), with gratitude for their continued support of the Sangha.
They meet weekly, on Sundays, 7pm-9pm and you can book via their eventbrite page.